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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Flip Flop Exchange for Adults AND Kids!

Have you heard of the flip flop exchange?  It is super fun!

I received a flip flop exchange letter in the mail a couple years ago, but I didn't receive it until summer was almost over, so it didn't go so well for me.  My mom is who sent it to me and then I sent it out.  I got NO flip flops and she got one pair.  Disappointing!

That being said, I still think it is a super fun idea and if we get it going now, it should be successful for all of us.  It's very early in the season, so this is the perfect time!

I've never seen a child's flip flop exchange, but I thought it would be fun to include them too!  My kids love flip flops (especially my daughter!).

I also thought it would be better if we kept it all electronic so we could be a little more environmentally friendly.  Why put all that paper out when all of us do most of our communicating via email, facebook, blogs, etc??

Okay!  If you want to participate, just email me at  I will email you the letter and you can get started right away!  Make sure to let me know if you want the adult letter or the child letter (or both!).

All you have to do is send a pair of flip flops to the person in spot #1 in your letter, move your name to spot #2, send the email to 6 or more of your friends and you are done!

All the details will be in the letter, so you will know exactly what to do!

If we all send it to at least 6 friends, we should get at least 36 pairs of flip flops!!  How's that for a return??  You send out ONE pair and receive 36 pairs!!!

Another idea for this fun exchange is to donate some of your flip flops you receive to your local shelters or whatever cause you support (one neat cause is called Soles 4 Souls).

Don't care for flip flops??  Donate ALL yours to Soles 4 Souls!!  It'll be like your own little shoe drive for charity!

Alright, that's enough out of me.  If you would like to participate in this fun exchange, email me at and send me the email address you would like the letter sent to.  Make sure to tell me if you would like an Adult Flip Flop Exchange letter or a Kids Flip Flop Exchange letter. (Also, please put "flip flop exchange" in the subject line)

Please come back later on in the season and tell me how many pairs of flip flops you and and your kids received and/or donated!!

***Note:  I promise I will only use your email address to send you the letters!  No worries about spam here!*** 

****Another note: Some people have been confused and thought that the flip flops they would receive/give would be used.  This is absolutely not true!  It is only called an 'exchange', because we would all be giving each other flip flops.  However, the flip flops you give and receive should be new, just bought at the store, flip flops!  Hope that clears things up for people! :) ****


Wendy said...

I've done this before! It's totally fun, and it really works, as long as people follow through.

Yay for flip flops! (Although I hate it's so hard to find flip flops that aren't all plastic.)

Great idea...thanks for sharing!

Nicole @ Some Call It Natural said...

Wendy- If you send me your email address to, I will send you a copy of the letters! :)

Jacqueline said...

This is such a great repurposing post! I have a closet full of flip flops I can donate! New follower from The Organic Blonde

Nicole @ Some Call It Natural said...

That's great! I'm sure Soles 4 Soles (or whomever you choose) would appreciate it! That being said, remember the ones you send as a part of the exchange need to be new! ;) Send me your email addy if you'd like the letters.

P.S. Welcome to my blog! I actually just came from yours and saw your comment here! :)

Unknown said...

Super fun idea. Particularly for kids!

I stumbled you. If you'd like to check out my post it's:

Still Blonde after all these YEARS said...

What a fun idea!

Thanks for joining us for Stumble Tumble Tuesday! Please come again next week! Stumbled you, please stumble me back!

The Chief Blonde

Kids Flip Flops said...
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