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Monday, July 25, 2011

What if everyone heard what we said about them?

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I was listening to a radio station not long ago and they posed a question about a new (fake) technology.  The new gadget would basically ‘listen’ to everything you said and when you started talking about a person, it would record the conversation and then send it to the person you were talking about.

Do you think that would cut down on the world’s gossip?  It would definitely cut down on local gossip!

No more, “Did you see what Sarah wore today? Ugh!  That was a horrible dress!”

People would for sure keep their mouth shut a little bit more.

I thought about this a lot.  How much do I say in a day about other people?  Would I be mortified if whatever I said were recorded and sent to that person?

Since this radio segment, I have tried to be more conscious of the things that seep out of my mouth.  If I wouldn’t want the person I’m talking about to hear what I’m saying, then it probably just shouldn’t be said.

However, I’m not perfect…. and I’m glad that this was a fake gadget that the radio hosts were talking about.

What about you?  How often do you gossip?  How often do you complain about people or make fun of people?  What if there were a device that would record what you said about a person and send it to them?



Maria said...

I try to keep my chit chat about others to a minimum. Mostly because as a stay at home mom, the only person to listen to it is my husband. Guys don't much care about the gossipy stuff. Now, if it were about a friends political leanings, he would be all ears!

Summer @ Banana Hammocks & Tutus said...

This is SO true and definitely food for thought. I try not to say too much about other people that I wouldn't say to their face but it's not always easy.

Libby's Library said...

After reading this post, I realize that there are advantages to being agoraphobic...not a whole lot of contact with the "outside" world:-)

Jen - Life With Levi said...

I try really hard not to say anything I won't say to someone's face. Sometimes I'm guilty of gossip, but I try to catch myself and stop.

Jeryl M. said...

I don't gossip about people that much, but I still don't think I'd like something like that. I am a new GFC follower from the Boost Your Blog Summer Blog Hop. Visit my daughter and I at our blog, Says Me Says Mom (http:/ where we talk about anything and everything.